Services and Prices

You are welcome to arrange sessions in a way that best suits you. I offer counselling in person, online or over the phone. For more details and prices, please see the information below.

I am BACP Registered and qualified and uphold BACP ethical principles and standards, which include confidentiality. I have a privacy policy that outlines the steps I take to keep your information safe and secure.

Counselling in London Kings Cross and online

  • A phone, part of computer keyboard, headphones

    Kings Cross - £80

    Based directly opposite Kings Cross Station. I offer 50-minute weekly sessions in a comfortable and confidential room. The room is on the ground floor. It is easily accessible by rail, tube, bus and is a three minute walk from Kings Cross underground station. Taxis are also able to drop off and pick up outside the front door. I work here on Wednesdays and currently have sessions available from early afternoon to late evening.

  • Online and on the phone - £70

    I offer 50 minute online or phone counselling sessions at various times and days over zoom or via phone call. These can be weekly or bi-weekly to suit your preferences. This option may be preferred if you have somewhere private where you won’t be overheard and can speak freely.

Book a free consultation

To find out more about what I can offer, book a free 15-minute call using the link above. This is an opportunity to share a little about what is drawing you to counselling and ask questions about how it works. I am committed to ensuring you get the support you need, and will refer you to other trusted professionals if I think they could be a better fit.